Osias Colleges Inc. History
Osias Colleges, Inc., a stock corporation is the brain-child of two gentlemen who shares in the belief that a stable and strong foundation of a civilized structured society is EDUCATION.
Presently the oldest private educational institution in Tarlac City, Osias Colleges, Inc. was founded in 1949 by the late Telesforo B. Concepcion and Sen. Camilo Osias.

Mr. Concepcion is an alumnus of the University of the Philippines, a retired school District Supervisor of Victoria, Tarlac, and recipient of Outstanding Educator Award by then Bureau of Education. He was the school’s Director/Chairman of the Board until 1963.
Sen. Osias has been the nation’s foremost statesman, a distinguished writer and educator. Elected to the Philippine Senate in 1925, he served for three terms until 1953 as the majority floor leader. He also became the 1st Filipino superintendents of schools under the American rule. A person of utmost courage and integrity, our institution, Osias Colleges, Inc., was named after him as a symbol of our dedication to serve the people and educate the youth.

- In 1963, with the demise of Mr. Telesforo Concepcion, his daughter Paz L. Concepcion who was then the Principal of the Secondary Department, took the reins in managing the school as the President/Chairman of the Board. Ms. Concepcion is an alumna of the University of the Philippines, where she obtained her bachelor’s degree in Education. To further hone her knowledge and expertise in the field of Education and manage the school, she took up and completed her Master’s degree in University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA), U.S.A. For her contribution to various charity programs and into the field of Education, she was awarded the much-coveted Outstanding Alumnus Award by the U.P. Alumni Association.
- Succeedingly, recognitions were issued for our additional programs, namely; Master of Arts in Education (1969), Bachelor of Arts (1979), 2-yr. Mgt. of Cooperatives (1979), Pre-school (1985), Master in Business Administration (1986).
- In 1950, after a year of its establishment, the Department of Education (DepEd) granted Government Recognition Nos. 30, 33 and 34 for the BSE (Four Year Education Course), Complete High School, and Elementary programs, respectively.
- In 1953, Recognition No. 825 for our Bachelor of Science in Commerce program, followed by nos. 182 and 281 for our 2-yr. Jr. Secretarial Course (1962) and BS in Elementary Education (1964), respectively, were likewise granted by the government.
As years went by, the population grew that necessitates expansion to accommodate more pupils and students. Adjacent lots were acquired to expand into a sprawling spacious campus and construct better classrooms which will be more conducive to learning.
- In 1980, the old wooden main building was knocked-down to give way for the construction of a new three-storey main building. Construction of the other buildings soon followed after the main building was finished.
- In 1997, new course offerings were approved and recognized by the government, now under the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), namely; BS in Accountancy, BS in Office Administration, and Associate in Computer Secretarial. To answer the demand for technical and vocational courses, in 2003, short courses were offered and thereafter recognized by Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), namely: 2-yr Information Technology, 2-yr. Computer Hardware Servicing, 2-yr. Associate in Computer Science and 2-yr. Programming. On July 5, 2004, the Certificate of TVET Registration – WTR0403062154 was granted for our 7-month Caregiver Course.
- Osias Colleges, Inc. is fully recognized by the Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority. We are also an active member of Philippine Association of Private Schools Colleges and Universities (PAPSCU), Philippine Association of Teacher Education (PAFTE), Philippine Association for Graduate Education (PAGE), Philippine Association for Teachers of Educational Foundation (PATEF), Tarlac City Private Educational Institution (TCPEIA) and Tarlac Private Schools Association (TAPSA). Osias Colleges is certified by the DepEd-FAPE (Fund for Assistance to Private Education) to accept student grantees qualified for financial assistance through ESC and EVS.
- School year 2008-2009 turned a new leaf in the School’s career development thrusts as we were granted a permit by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to offer Criminal Justice Education with our Bachelor of Science in Criminology.
- The year 2009 was a period under a cloud for a time due to the passing away of Miss Paz L. Concepcion, the institution’s President/Chairman of the Board for more than four decades. But true to the fact that dawn comes after sunset, Atty. Jesus A. Concepcion, our new President/Chairman of the Board ushered in a revitalized corporate agenda attuned to the changing marketplace. With continuous growth as its centerpiece and objective for the benefit of all stakeholders, the new management’s first year saw the massive refurbishing of the school’s plant and facilities – a tangible dimension of service quality.
- Osias Colleges, Inc., in its desire to be competitive started the decade (Academic Year 2010-2011) with the adoption of the new Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) program. As approved by CHED, it includes four major areas namely: Human Resource Development, Marketing Management, Financial Management and Operations Management. The English major was also re-adopted in our Bachelor of Secondary Education. Likewise, in response to the government’s thrust to upgrade basic education in line with the K12 program, the College of Education was given another boost when CHED gave us the permit to offer Pre-School Education. Similarly, the Graduate Studies Department – Master of Arts in Education was granted the permit to offer Early Childhood Education.
- 2011 was also a banner year when FAPE (Fund for Assistance to Private Education), during its re-certification inspection-visit of the High School Division of the Basic Education Department, gave us an Above Standard rating. As a re-certified educational institution, our high school students shall continue as ESC (Educational Service Contracting) beneficiaries, and will pave the way for our application for accreditation to PAASCU (Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities).
- Continuing the momentum for change towards better service to the community it is serving, year 2011 boasts of refurbished facilities taking the form of fully-airconditioned classrooms for the basic education department and the graduate studies and the building of the school’s multi-purpose pavilion. All laboratory facilities (viz.: children’s playhouse, industrial arts & home economics room, audio-visual room, computer, biology, physics, chemistry and crime laboratory) were given the needed shot in the arm relative to up-grading to meet industry, set standards. The year ended with the adoption of a more defined organizational structure designed for better efficiency.
- Year 2012 rolled off with a chain of notable achievements: the recognition of the institution’s Criminology Program by CHED; the approval by CHED of three (3) new courses (BS in Accounting Technology, BS in Information Systems and Associate in Computer Techonology) and the submission of requests to offer job creation relevant TESDA courses.
Work-in-process facelifting facilities undertakings include separate libraries for the elementary, high school and college department and the construction of the TLE building and the play area for the elementary students.
The continuous improvements and betterments will go on……..